Saturday, 9 February 2013


The story of Medusa

A long time ago, there was a beautiful women named Medusa. She lived in the city of Athens where there were a lot of other beautiful women there but she was considered the most lovely.

Medusa spoke less of other thing and spoke mostly about her beauty. Everyday she had to boast to everyone and each day her boast became even more outrageous.

One day, Medusa went to the Parthenon with her friends. The Parthenon was the largest temple of the goddess Athena in all the lands. The Parthenon was filled with paintings and sculptures. Everyone who entered was awed by the sight of the beauty.

When Medusa saw the sculptures, she said "My, this is a beautiful temple. It is a shame it was wasted Athena, for I am so much prettier than she is - than perhaps one day people will build an even more grander temple than this for my beauty"

Medusa's friends grew pale, people around them started to whisper and silently depart, scared that the goddess overheard Medusa.

Before long, Medusa was too busy gazing at her own reflection in the water to notice that she is standing alone in the temple. The water she was gazing at began to waver and soon the image of medusa faded to Athena's face.

" Vain and foolish girl," Athena said angrily, "You think you're prettier than I am! I doubt that to be true, even if you were, there is more to life than beauty alone. While other work and play and learn, you do little but boast and admire yourself"

Medusa tried to point out that her beauty was an inspiration to those around her by making heir lives better solely by looking so lovely and at that Athena silenced her with a frustrated wave.

"Nonsense," Athena retorted, "beauty fades away swiftly in all mortals. It does not heal the sick or teach the unskilled or feed the hungry. And by my powers, your loveliness shall be stripped away completely. Your fate shall serve as a reminder to others to control their pride".

And with those words, Medusa's faced changed to that of a hideous monster. Her hair twisted and thickened into horrible snaked that hissed and fought each other atop her head.

" Medusa, for your pride this has been done. Your face is now so horrible that a mere sight of your eyes will turn a man to stone," Athena proclaimed, " even you, Medusa, should you seek your reflection shall turn yourself into stone"

Athena then sent Medusa to live with blind monsters, so no innocent man shall accidentally turn to stone at the sight of her.

                                            Medusa is a reminder to all mortals to control their pride



In ancient greek, you should respect the gods, worship the gods and never, NEVER, challenge the gods.